Jump straight to
24:25 for the finished product!
Learn everything you need about adding a motor to your robot, including how to connect it to a Raspberry Pi running ROS!
Repo for Arduino firmware https://github.com/joshnewans/ros_arduino_bridge
Repo for serial_motor_demo ROS package https://github.com/joshnewans/serial_motor_demo
Here are a few videos explaining/demonstrating aspects of PID control (thanks to Eric Mack for the suggestions!). Hopefully some day I'll get around to making my own...
Simple Visualisation -
Technical Explanation -
Physical demo -
00:00 - Intro
00:27 - A layered solution
01:25 - Basic power, motor drivers
02:57 - Motor Controllers (open and closed loop)
05:53 - Pi as motor controller (?), comms link
07:21 - Robot controller and software driver
09:30 - Demo circuit overview
10:38 - Wiring the motor driver
12:53 - Making the motor controller, open-loop test
15:56 - Encoders and closed-loop control
22:00 - Setting up ROS driver
24:25 - Using the control UI, outro