Dynamic Lighting Was Better Nine Years Ago | A Warning About 9TH Gen's Neglect.

Dynamic Lighting Was Better Nine Years Ago | A Warning About 9TH Gen's Neglect.

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Dynamic Lighting Was Better Nine Years Ago | A Warning About 9TH Gen's Neglect.
Poor optimization is a broad topic which is why we’re making sure to define the common game scenario that drives our initiative. We cover the neglected areas of graphics optimization and visual quality since we often see modern techniques only discussed in graphics conversations such as Lumen or DDGI. But we have a whole generation of techniques that we can and should scale complexity on for our 9th gen use case. If you are a gamer or graphics enthusiast, this video is extremely important to watch. We are here to provide the PROOF for gamers and guide developers about the modern issues with how realism is being destroyed by poor shader designs. Drop us a 👍's up & subscribe to KEEP the YouTube algorithm on our side! Thank you! Chapters: URGENT WARNING: 0:00 Abstract: 0:43 Threat Interactive Target Scenario: 1:07 Target Hardware: 1:54 Explaining 9TH Gen Potential: 2:56 Why Lightmaps Don't Work: 4:45 Expensive GI is NOT the Only Alternative: 5:16 SSAO is YEARS Behind(Optimizations Explained Too): 6:28 Probe Memory And Leaking Fixes: 7:43 Abstract 2: 8:06 DDGI, Radiance, Cheap Indirect DF Shadows, Current Issues : 8:29 Lumen GI is on it's 6th Failure: 9:52 Fox Engine Lighting, The Division, PS4 Shadow Map Tracing: 10:57 Radiance Cascades: 12:27 The Incredible Potential Visualized: 13:29 The Truth People NEED to Accept: 13:42 How You Can Change Where The Future is Heading: 14:29 Our Website: https://threatinteractive.wordpress.com For Updates or Questions, contact our studio or founder on with these links: Threat Interactive: Email: [email protected] X / Twitter: https://x.com/ThreatInteract Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ThreatInteractive/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/threat-interactive Studio Founder: X / Twitter: https://x.com/TheKevinJimenez Credits: https://tanalin.com/en/articles/integer-scaling/ https://youtu.be/nheFNQs378s?si=DDW4o9uHepMq4Pov https://youtu.be/WsmxBE9Gw6A?si=flL_aE9HjxN5Syer https://youtu.be/7dVv6XwkLbM?si=wlFpKxMyHy4jgBUi https://youtu.be/9f9MhAW62gM?si=MHf3CPBheg6zyOXf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpVuIZYFRg4&t=653s&ab_channel=Unity https://github.com/GameTechDev/XeGTAO https://github.com/AmplifyCreations/AmplifyOcclusion https://reshade.me/forum/shader-presentation/1874-marty-mcflys-ambient-obscurance-mxao-with-il https://www.martysmods.com/mxao/ https://www.shadertoy.com/view/WtjSzm https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ssBBW1 https://www.youtube.com/@RetroCrisis(Retro dithering) https://youtu.be/05FCjQR--Sc?t=1474 https://youtu.be/h1ocYFrtsM4?t=702 https://youtu.be/p0loRAoakuo?si=Ioe5mTSwUOfhF62F https://youtu.be/AShFlzgeFaA?si=MzKSd3UBb3doCqQS https://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2015-shading-course/rad/s2015_pbs_rad_slides.pdf https://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2017/12/15/mgs-v-graphics-study/ https://youtu.be/04YUZ3bWAyg?si=S7YAkU9HLgpiaMhS https://youtu.be/GOee6lcEbWg?t=953 https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tsVGRd https://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2022/SIGGRAPH2022-Advances-Lumen-Wright%20et%20al.pdf https://jason.today/rc https://tmpvar.com/poc/radiance-cascades/#flatland-2d(special thanks to tmpvar for site fixes) https://adrianmargel.ca/demo/nested-radiance-cascades-fast/ https://youtu.be/5Ua-h1pg6yM?si=CHwzN-3tehwPFcds https://www.shadertoy.com/view/X3XfRM https://de45xmedrsdbp.cloudfront.net/Resources/files/TemporalAA_small-59732822.pdf