Tigran Petrosian destroys Dutch Stonewall in 23 moves
Featured is the chess game between 17-year-old Tigran Petrosian and a soon to be 15-year-old Victor Korchnoi from the 1946 URS U18 Championship. In response to Korchnoi’s Dutch Stonewall, the future 9th World Chess Champion exchanges his dark-squared bishop via a3, and then positions both knights where they observe Korchnoi’s weakest square, e5. Tigran Petrosian’s purely positional play in this one ends the game after only 23 moves.
#TigranPetrosian #DutchDefense #DutchStonewall
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1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 d5 5. O-O Bd6 6. c4 c6
7. b3 O-O 8. Ba3 Bxa3 9. Nxa3 Qe8 10. Nc2 Qh5 11. Qc1 Ne4
12. Nce1 g5 13. Nd3 Nd7 14. Nfe5 Kh8 15. f3 Nd6 16. e4 Nf7
17. cxd5 Ndxe5 18. dxe5 cxd5 19. exd5 exd5 20. f4 Rd8 21. Qc7
b6 22. fxg5 Ba6 23. Nf4