Tigran Petrosian's Winawer WINS in 29 moves

Tigran Petrosian's Winawer WINS in 29 moves

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Tigran Petrosian's Winawer WINS in 29 moves
Featured is a chess game between Alexander Chistiakov and Tigran Petrosian from 1956 Moscow Championship. The "Iron Tigran" chooses the Winawer variation of the French Defense in combination with 4...b6 instead of the most popular 4...c5. This allows Petrosian to solidly address Chistiakov's ensuing pressure against g7. In this opposite sides castles game, an important question is raised, "is Chistiakov's queen better positioned back home instead of on g4?". #TigranPetrosian #FrenchDefense #FrenchWinawer ★ LICHESS.ORG https://lichess.org/@/Chess-Network ★ CHESS.COM https://www.chess.com/member/chessnetwork?ref_id=1552369 (affiliate link) ★ TWITCH http://twitch.tv/ChessNetwork ★ TWITTER http://twitter.com/ChessNetwork ★ FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/ChessNetwork ★ PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ChessNetwork ★ DONATE https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QLV226E6FUUWG PGN 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 b6 5. Qg4 Bf8 6. Nf3 Qd7 7. Be3 Nc6 8. a3 Bb7 9. Bb5 O-O-O 10. O-O Nge7 11. b4 f6 12. Rfe1 Nf5 13. Qh3 h5 14. g3 a6 15. Ba4 g5 16. g4 hxg4 17. Qxh8 gxf3 18. Qh5 b5 19. Nxb5 axb5 20. Bxb5 fxe5 21. Kh1 Qg7 22. Bxc6 Bxc6 23. dxe5 Be7 24. b5 Bb7 25. Qg4 Rh8 26. Qg1 d4 27. Bd2 g4 28. Bf4 g3 29. Bxg3 Nxg3+