The Nous in Orthodox Therapy
This is a topic I have wanted to create a video on for ages. I missed so much I wanted to say in the video (and have included some of that as a Part 2 in the comments below) but this is a good start. My hope is that this may become a book one day.
The "nous" is discussed in Scripture, and it's even part of the word translated "repentance" which is "meta noia" which means "change of nous." The word repentance then implies changing the direction of the nous, meaning putting the heart back on God.
It's also important to know that the Saints link the Nous with the physical heart, despite them not being exactly the same. Many diving deeper into "noetic prayer" were actually said to have some sort of subtle pain in the area of their physical heart, and even visited their doctors, only to be told they were healthy.
"Part 2" is a pinned comment below and focuses on the relationship between the Nous and Dianoia (human reason).
If you'd like a good book on the subject of the Nous, you should check out Mary Naumenko's "Restoring the Inner Heart: The Nous in Dostoyevky's Ridiculous Man" which is easily the best book I have read on the subject.