Been a while since I uploaded, so why not do 4 Evolution episodes in one?
In this video we cover how the movesets of Glavenus, Mizutsune, Astalos and Gammoth have evolved throughout the series, since their introductions in Monster Hunter Generations all the way to Monster Hunter World Iceborne and Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. We will also cover any subspecies, rare species and deviants they've received.
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0:00 Introduction
0:28 Evolution of Glavenus
0:49 Generations Glavenus
2:32 Hellblade Glavenus
3:31 Iceborne Glavenus
4:13 Acidic Glavenus
5:33 Evolution of Mizutsune
5:55 Generations Mizutsune
7:13 Soulseer Mizutsune
8:04 Rise Mizutsune
8:46 Apex Mizutsune + G Rank Mizutsune
9:25 Violet Mizutsune
12:00 Evolution of Astalos
12:24 Generations Astalos
13:30 Boltreaver Astalos
14:48 Sunbreak Astalos
15:26 Evolution of Gammoth
15:52 Generations Gammoth
16:55 Elderfrost Gammoth
17:30 Final Thoughts
17:48 Glavenus Final Thoughts
19:49 Mizutsune Final Thoughts
21:23 Astalos Final Thoughts
22:34 Gammoth Final Thoughts
23:27 Ending
Music Used
Jurassic Frontier Battle - MHGen
Glavenus Battle - MHGen
Glavenus Chase - MHW Iceborne
Glavenus Battle - MHW Iceborne
Mizutsune Battle - MHGen
Mizutsune Chase - MHRise
Mizutsune Battle - MHRise
Infernal Springs Battle - MHRise
Astalos Battle - MHRise
Astalos Battle - MHGen
Gammoth Battle - MHGen
Tresse Desert Battle - MHStories
Let's Nyance (instrumental)
Citadel Battle - MHRise Sunbreak
Frost Islands Battle - MHRise