This video will take you through all the creatures in Monster Hunter Rise and Sunbreak, their stats and weaknesses, all in under 20 minutes. What's the best strategies to take down all the monsters? Let us know! So, get ready to go on an adventure and hunt down the biggest, baddest beasts in Monster Hunter Rise and Sunbreak
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#monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise #nintendoswitch #top10 #sunbreak
0:00 - Intro
0:18 - Arzuros
0:40 - Great Baggi
0:51 - Lagombi
1:08 - Great Izuchi
1:20 - Tetranadon
1:41 - Kulu-Ya-Ku
2:07 - Barroth
2:31 - Great Wroggi
2:49 - Royal Ludroth
3:05 - Aknosom
3:30 - Khezu
3:52 - Somnacanth
4:23 - Barioth
4:49 - Rathian
5:09 - Tobi-Kadachi
5:25 - Volvidon
5:47 - Basarios
6:15 - Bishaten
6:44 - Pukei-Pukei
7:08 - Nargacuga
7:34 - Zinogre
7:48 - Anjanath
8:14 - Mizutsune
8:42 - Rathalos
9:01 - Magnamalo
9:26 - Almudron
9:56 - Goss Harag
10:18 - Tigrex
10:39 - Diablos
10:59 - Rajang
11:25 - Bazelgeuse
12:00 - Jyuratodus
12:20 - Rakna-Kadaki
12:53 - Thunder Serpent Narwa
13:06 - Chameleos
13:36 - Kushala Daora
14:01 - Teostra
14:23 - Wind Serpent Ibushi
14:36 - Narwa the Allmother
14:55 - Crimson Glow Valstrax
15:27 - Malzeno
15:44 - Lunagaron
16:05 - Garangolm
16:32 - Seregios
16:47 - Astalos
17:08 - Shogun Ceanataur
17:28 - GoreMagala
18:09 - Espinas
18:30 - Daimyo Hermitaur
18:51 - Velkhana
19:09 - Gaismagorm