Spencer's Sleep Success Story
"Sleep was quite a challenge for me. I’d go 1, 2 maybe even 3 nights in a row hardly getting any sleep at all. The greatest challenge for me was falling asleep and sometimes I didn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning. This had a negative impact on my physical, mental and emotional health which was really challenging and quite frightening. I tried multiple kinds of sleeping pills, teas, meditation, and exercise. I adjusted all the dials and levers I was aware of to try to improve my sleep. It would work sporadically, and I’d have decent nights of sleep but other nights I’d have no sleep at all. I learned I was trying to solve the wrong problem. I realize now that sleep wasn’t the problem, it was my approach to it that was the problem. The program taught me it’s not what you do, it’s how you think about what you do. SSA taught me sleep wasn’t a problem that needed to be solved. The change I’ve experienced has been night and day. I now sleep through the night, fall asleep easily and sleep 7.5 hours a night. My experience with SSA has been awesome. Devin is a rockstar and his coaches are absolutely incredible. This program is designed for anyone who’s had any challenges getting to sleep, staying asleep, or has ever had anxiety about their sleep. You are absolutely not alone! What you're experiencing won’t last forever. Finding a resource like this program is extremely helpful. I definitely recommend it." - Spencer
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Sleep Science Academy helps people stop suffering and start sleeping using a unique holistic approach based on science.
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