Narcissist Proud of Being Feared, Hated
Psychopathic narcissists would go to any length to secure their goals. They might even pretend that they are terrified of you in order to play on your grandiosity, manipulate you, and claim victimhood. Beware! Nothing with narcissistic psychopaths is as it seems!
But mostly they want you to fear – even hate – them.
Locus of grandiosity: collapse-averse reframing.
The English Paediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott suggested that abused children need to hate and to be hated as a defense against the false hope of ever being loved. They not only act out anti-socially but also seek to provoke hatred in parents, caregivers, and authority figures. At least in this comfort zone of mutual antagonism there is no risk of being shattered by the disappointment and frustration that are the ineluctable outcomes of hope.
Of course, he who loves to be hated and hates to be loved also loves to hate and hates to love (fears intimacy). The narcissist’s emotional complexity (ambivalence) towards significant others is notorious: his “love” often comes laced with bouts of vitriolic or even violent abuse and aggression.
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