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The 12th Annual Linares Super Tournament held from February 23rd to March 14th, 1994 was the first Category XVIII event ever held. Fourteen of the world's best players, including both World Champions, competed in a round robin format. The participants were (in order of Elo): Garry Kasparov (2805), Anatoli Karpov (2740), Alexey Shirov (2715), Vishwanathan Anand (2715), Vladimir Kramnik (2710), Vassily Ivanchuk (2710), Gata Kamsky (2695), Boris Gelfand (2685), Evgeny Bareev (2685), Alexander Beliavsky (2650), Veselin Topalov (2640), Judit Polgar (2630), Joel Lautier (2625), and Miguel Illescas-Cordoba (2590). When asked about the strength of the tournament, Kasparov famously stated that the winner could consider himself the world champion of tournament chess. Ironically, it was to be Karpov, his longtime rival, who would be the man of destiny, culminating in the greatest single tournament performance of all time! Karpov won the whole ball of wax, undefeated with an astonishing 11/13!!!
Anatoly Karpov vs Veselin Topalov
"Karpov's Immortal" (game of the day Mar-13-2016)
Linares (1994), Linares ESP, rd 4, Feb-??
English Opening: Symmetrical. Anti-Benoni Variation Spielmann Defense (A32)
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nf3 cd4 4. Nd4 e6 5. g3 Nc6 6. Bg2 Bc5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. Nc3 O-O 9. O-O d6 10. Bf4 Nh5 11. e3 Nf4 12. ef4 Bd7 13. Qd2 Qb8 14. Rfe1 g6 15. h4 a6 16. h5 b5 17. hg6 hg6 18. Nc5 dc5 19. Qd7 Rc8 20. Re6 Ra7 21. Rg6 fg6 22. Qe6 Kg7 23. Bc6 Rd8 24. cb5 Bf6 25. Ne4 Bd4 26. ba6 Qb6 27. Rd1 Qa6 28. Rd4 Rd4 29. Qf6 Kg8 30. Qg6 Kf8 31. Qe8 Kg7 32. Qe5 Kg8 33. Nf6 Kf7 34. Be8 Kf8 35. Qc5 Qd6 36. Qa7 Qf6 37. Bh5 Rd2 38. b3 Rb2 39. Kg2
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