1985: Garry Kasparov Becomes World Champion

1985: Garry Kasparov Becomes World Champion

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1985: Garry Kasparov Becomes World Champion
➡️ LEARN CHESS WITH ME: https://chessly.com/ This is the game which made Garry Kasparov world champion over Anatoly Karpov in their world championship chess match in 1985. ➡️ Watch LIVE on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gothamchess ➡️ Support via Donation: https://www.paypal.me/gothamchess [White "Anatoly Karpov"] [Black "Garry Kasparov"] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 e6 7.O-O Be7 8.f4 O-O 9.Kh1 Qc7 10.a4 Nc6 11.Be3 Re8 12.Bf3 Rb8 13.Qd2 Bd7 14.Nb3 b6 15.g4 Bc8 16.g5 Nd7 17.Qf2 Bf8 18.Bg2 Bb7 19.Rad1 g6 20.Bc1 Rbc8 21.Rd3 Nb4 22.Rh3 Bg7 23.Be3 Re7 24.Kg1 Rce8 25.Rd1 f5 26.gxf6 Nxf6 27.Rg3 Rf7 28.Bxb6 Qb8 29.Be3 Nh5 30.Rg4 Nf6 31.Rh4 g5 32.fxg5 Ng4 33.Qd2 Nxe3 34.Qxe3 Nxc2 35.Qb6 Ba8 36.Rxd6 Rb7 37.Qxa6 Rxb3 38.Rxe6 Rxb2 39.Qc4 Kh8 40.e5 Qa7+ 41.Kh1 Bxg2+ 42.Kxg2 Nd4+ 0-1 I PARTNERED WITH G FUEL! They have delicious and energizing energy drinks. Get yours at http://gfuel.ly/3p3XR6O and USE CODE Gotham and get 30% off all their products. ↓ ↓ Chess and social media links below ↓ ↓ ♛ Chess Links: ➡️ Joining Chess.com: https://bit.ly/2W85z3x ➡️ My chess.com video lesson series: https://bit.ly/30r8RkN ⭐️ Social Media Links: ➡️ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gothamchess ➡️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gothamchess/ ➡️ GOTHAM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dpyRExhP9n ➡️ THUMBNAILS BY: https://twitter.com/karri_bird & http://instagram.com/karri.designs