Leave a like, comment and let me know whose Build we should no hit Elden Ring with Next!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ginomachino
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GinoMachino
Discord: https://discord.gg/FACwsyh
Boss & Enemy Resistances: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BVwmKqB8pvuyJkSTGYOM2kAJxFMQ0jVsc6aKYz_Upes/edit#gid=0
0:00 Intro
1:24 Tree Sentinel
2:36 Great Jar Invaders
4:40 Beastman of Farum Azula
5:36 Invader Henricus
6:10 Margit
7:36 Stormveil Castle & Setup
9:42 Godrick
12:00 Erdtree Avatar (Weeping Peninsula)
13:52 Red Wolf of Radagon
16:02 Rennala
18:00 Journey to the Volcano Manor
19:45 Godskin Noble
21:48 Rykard
27:52 Radahn
30:12 Draconic Tree Sentinel
30:40 Journey to Mohgwyn
33:26 Mohg, Lord of Blood
35:14 Quest for the Gargoyle Halberd
37:55 Goldfrey
38:50 Morgott
40:40 Commander Niall
42:11 Fire Giant
45:52 Journey to the Haligtree
48:16 Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
50:10 Upgrade & A Heist on Mohg's Treasure
51:50 Malenia
55:50 Godskin Duo
57:15 Maliketh
58:50 The least unhinged Gideon Strat
1:00:40 Hoarah Loux
1:03:00 Radagon & Elden Beast