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Challenge run list:
Boss & Enemy Resistances:
0:00 Intro
2:20 Grafted Scion
3:26 Setup
6:48 Margit
9:50 Miranda Blossom
13:10 Godrick
16:30 Hero of Zamor (Weeping Peninsula)
18:20 Glintstone Dragon Smarag
21:30 Magma Wyrm Makar
23:42 Red Wolf of Radagon
24:52 Rennala
26:20 Altus Setup
31:30 Elemer of the Briar
34:20 Stonedigger Troll
37:38 Onyx Lord
39:04 Margit Phantom (Altus)
40:10 Wormface
40:45 Crystalian Duo
41:45 Draconic Tree Sentinel
43:20 Leyndell
47:00 Godfrey
49:08 Morgott
52:35 Mt. Gelmir Setup
54:05 Omenkiller & Miranda Duo
58:00 Godskin Noble
1:00:20 Rykard
1:04:50 Borealis the Freezing Fog
1:08:00 Sewer Mohg
1:10:10 Fire Giant
1:14:30 Caelid Setup
1:21:30 Radahn
1:23:40 Great Jar Adventure
1:29:50 Flying Dragon Greyll
1:32:10 Putrid Avatar (Dragonbarrow)
1:33:44 Farum Azula Setup
1:34:45 Godskin Duo
1:41:30 Putrid Avatar (Caelid)
1:42:45 Placidusax
1:46:32 Maliketh
1:49:30 Leonine Misbegotten
1:50:45 Comannder Niall
1:55:45 Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
1:59:20 Malenia
2:02:35 Endgame Setup
2:08:40 Mohg, Lord of Blood
2:15:10 Gideon
2:19:30 Hoarah Loux
2:22:30 Radagon & Elden Beast