Welcome to another episode of Backyard Beekeeping Questions and Answers.
You are invited to submit your own questions for consideration on my primary website: https://www.fredsfinefowl.com/thewaytobee.html
Also, on my website you'll find all of the discount offers being offered to my viewers. it's easier to send viewers to the website so the codes can be updated in a single location.
Today's topics are as listed below:
1) Do you still approve of the Ultimate Hive Stand? Is it tall enough for skunk deterrent?
2) How strong does an electric fence have to be to deter black bears?
3) I recommended using a hot-knife for uncapping, but have been told that it will change the quality of the honey.
4) I have been using Hive Alive Fondant, is it the same as sugar syrup in spring? Can I use fondant to start splits?
5) My bees are building drone comb in the feeder shim. I didn't think the queen would cross over capped honey to lay eggs there?
6) Are you still using bettercomb, and do you still recommend it? I'm facing naysayers.
7) My bees are looking strong and I want to do a split, but I can't get a replacement queen right away. How long can I use QMP as a place-holder while I wait for a new queen?
8) Can you explain the advantages to the reversible bottom board with one side being 3/8 and the other side being 3/4 inches?
9) Do I need to use a queen excluder? If I do, where should I place it? Will I need to relocate it during the season?
10) Questions about having the insulated hive top as well as sides, where will the moisture end up? What is your experience?
11) I will have to make a split in spring and make a nucleus colony. Can I later pull frames from the nucleus to help the original hive later?
12) I recently had a frame composed completely of drone cells, will they always produce drone in that comb?
Today's Shout-Out goes to The Channel "Bee Interested", with an interesting video on The History of Beekeeping:
Black Bear Fence with solar charger that proven 100% effective against black bears
FREDSHIP is still going on for coffee cups and more:
Pierce Patented Heated Uncapping Knife: https://amzn.to/37zj7xv
The Micro-Stream USB Flashlight that clicks on your hat, see what you're missing, it's tiny: https://amzn.to/3DSKSNA
The Ultimate Hive Stand: https://amzn.to/3rd37YS
Hive Alive Syrup: https://amzn.to/3unNjo8
Hive Alive Fondant: It works: https://www.fredsfinefowl.com/hivealiveworks.html
Flow-Hive Active Discounts: https://www.fredsfinefowl.com/flowhivediscount.html
NEW Full Size Coffee Table Bee-Book, The Beeing:
Kids will remember this book, it supports Dr. Leo at HorizontalHive https://amzn.to/3uXAdNi
FRED05 is a 5% discount for my viewers at Hive Butler, not an affiliate sale, just a discount for you.
Links with amzn in them are affiliate links and I may earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you for Bee-ing here!