Finally, here is the third part of this series about English slang words and expressions that most British people know, but which will probably confuse almost everyone else! I started this series in 2019. It's only taken me nearly 4 years to get round to finishing it. Learn loads of slang and culture, plus a bit of British history too.
Vocabulary and transcript available on the episode page here
0:00:00 Introduction
0:08:53 a pea souper
0:21:48 pinch punch first of the month
0:25:20 pissed / pissed off
0:28:10 pop your clogs
0:31:09 poppycock
0:34:23 quids in
0:35:40 round
0:37:06 shambles
0:38:51 shirty
0:46:32 skew-whiff
0:50:14 to skive (off)
52:13 slumped
0:56:27 smarmy
0:58:24 sod's law
1:00:45 throw a spanner in the works
1:03:43 to spend a penny
1:05:38 to splash out (on something)
1:07:11 swot
1:08:15 to take the biscuit
1:13:15 to take the mickey
1:15:14 tickety-boo
1:17:10 waffle
1:19:53 wally
1:21:31 to wangle something
1:22:16 to whinge
1:22:58 wind your neck in!
1:23:57 a wind-up merchant
1:25:53 zonked
1:27:04 Vocab recap / memory test