Here are 5 kettlebell #core #exercises that work your trunk/torso from top to bottom. These are not just to get nice abs and a six-pack, these are also extremely useful for overall strength and mobility.
You could call these kettlebell core stability exercises as well, as these exercises are all about stabilizing the core during the work.
Don't forget, you don't only need kettlebell core strength, you also need mobility in that spine, those shoulders, the scapula, and so on.
If you like these exercises then you should consider buying the Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia which features all the kettlebell exercises you can imagine. The illustrations are nice and clear with a white background, and the descriptions are well written. You can buy the book as an electronic version on or as printed books on Amazon
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:27 Explanation
0:01:04 Core exercise 1 (rotate and curl)
0:02:07 Core exercise 2 (halo)
0:02:48 Core exercise 3 (overhead hold)
0:03:17 Core exercise 4 (side bend)
0:04:41 Core exercise 5 (around the body)
Five kettlebell exercises for the core. The core is really your torso right here but we tend to think of it as our abs and our obliques, but it's everything here. Either way, these five exercises really target everything around your spine, okay. So you need to stabilize you need to move, your erector spinae is working, your obliques are working, your abs are working, everything around the shoulder blades, your trapezius, your rhomboids. We got everything here. So what have we got, we got the exercise where I do a curl and rotate, rotation of the thoracic spine right here. So I'm doing rotation. The muscles. I'm moving the spine and then I'm moving the weight here, when I do that I'm also activating my obliques here, and quadratus lumborum on the inside because that weight is here, and back. I'm also getting a good pump in the biceps of that curl. You don't want to go too heavy with this. You want to put your thumbs through and under the handle, your hands around the horns, that's a good grip. Elbows tucked in, stand straight so that's another thing that you're doing you have to stand straight because the weight is here, so you're using your erector spinea, which is a group of muscle groups in your back and it keeps it upright. Then we have the halo, really nice and wide so you do need good shoulder mobility. If it's wide, a big circle, that weight is away from your body, and that's when you need to do more work to stabilize and using your core. So, the closer you hold it to your face, to your head, the more you focus on just your shoulders. The more you go away the more you focus on the core. Okay, so that weight just here everything on this side is doing work, if the weight is at the front, at the back, if the weight is at the back, you're doing work at the front, and so on. So, basically the opposite of where the weight is. Then you got just a simple overhead static hold. That's a lot of work as well but you want to do that with heavy weight, so, this is light, probably too light for that. But grab yourself a heavy weight, either one or two, and just hold it overhead for 30 seconds, a minute, or start walking and you're doing a lot of stabilization there. Guaranteed you will feel your core. The side bend is great too. So, that's lateral thoracic flexion right here now it's lateral thoracic extension right here.
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