Adjustable Kettlebells:
Kettlebell Poster:
The Gladiator Get Up:
The Turkish get up is movement sequence performed with weight, usually a kettlebell, though it can also be performed with dumbbells, barbells, sandbags or even a person. It's popular with grapplers and kettlebell enthusiasts for its full body effects on joint health, injury prevention, integrated strength, mobility, stability and balance.
Verticalization and Mortality Source:
0:00 Intro
0:56 Effects of TGU
1:35 Why it Works
2:15 Training Considerations and Weight Chart
3:19 The Cradle & Floor Press
4:08 Roll to Elbow Prop
4:41 Bridge Positions
5:12 Leg Sweep and Stand
5:41 Animation & Workouts
6:50 Love it or Hate it & Variations
7:36 Poster and Adjustable Kettlebells
8:16 Dan John Quote