This is a video on 400% speed, showing a horizontal hive build/assembly from start to finish. This doesn't show how any of the pieces were cut to size, it simply shows the assembly of a horizontal layens hive, using pieces that I previously cut.
The plans for this hive are from which is Dr. Leo Sharashkin's site. He is very free with his plans and information and after building 10 of his swarm traps and 3 insulated horizontal layens hives, I can testify that his plans are excellent, well thought out, detailed and the amount of waste is very low because of the amount of thought he put into the plans.
We used wool from our Katahdin sheep and some wool donated to our little homestead here in New Brunswick, Canada from friends and followers. The Katahdin's are a hair sheep and their wool is not very suitable for other fiber uses, but as insulation, it is excellent. This is also a great way to take a product with low value and get value from it. Additionally, since we are in New Brunswick, Canada, we get harsh winters sometimes and the insulation in the hive will allow us to be prepared for winter inherently, without having to add insulation in the fall. We are hoping this will improve our bee survival rate since the last time we kept bees over winter and lost all 3 hives.
Our choice to use the Layens horizontal hive, recommended by Dr. Leo Sharashkin is the result of using the Langstroth style of hives (which I also built, back in 2017) and not liking the amount of work and frequency of the work that appears to be needed in the Langstroth style. We are hopeful that the horizontal layens hive will be more user friendly. We don't mind the nature of the work of the volume of work, but for us, homesteading is a busy lifestyle and we found that we were never at the hives when we should have been because of other priorities. We also try to follow many traditional ways of doing things and these Layens horizontal hives appear to be used traditionally in many European countries, so this aligns with our beliefs.
Check out the other videos in this playlist for information on the swarm traps and layens frames we built on the homestead, using purchased plywood and lumber sawn from trees on our woodlot, with our Norwood HD36 portable bandsaw mill.
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