WOMBAT animale scemo
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Scritto da Barbascura X e Jacopo De Luca
Montaggio/Editing/Grafiche - Fabrizio Lo Feudo
Montaggio sponsor - Moreno Stefanuto
Timoniere e capo-editore - Gabriele T.
Una produzione MALESSERE
Per approfondire i temi trattati:
1 - Casey, F. F., Stannard, H. J., & Old, J. M. (2020). A review of wombat diet and nutrition. Australian Mammalogy, 43(1), 1-9.
2 - Louys, J., Duval, M., Beck, R. M., Pease, E., Sobbe, I., Sands, N., & Price, G. J. (2022). Cranial remains of Ramsayia magna from the Late Pleistocene of Australia and the evolution of gigantism in wombats (Marsupialia, Vombatidae). Papers in Palaeontology, 8(6), e1475.
3 - Wombat - antique print e map room
4 - Hogan, L. A., Janssen, T., & Johnston, S. D. (2013). Wombat reproduction (Marsupialia; Vombatidae): an update and future directions for the development of artificial breeding technology. Reproduction, 145(6), R157-R173.
5 - Hogan, L., Phillips, C., Lisle, A., Horsup, A., Janssen, T., & Johnston, S. (2011). Reproductive behaviour of the southern-hairy nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons). Australian Journal of Zoology, 58(6), 350-361.
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