It's time you stopped worrying about ISO noise and did this instead.
Also, download the FREE High ISO FIlmic Mod I formulated. I made you a Lightroom Preset and a Capture One Style that I added to the Filmist Sampler Pack
Download free here...
Also my Filmist full pack has a second Filmic process mod for Low ISO.
This simple noise reduction process will work great on any file including then Fuji files and their dreaded "worms".
Watch my video comparing LR to C1 for noise and WORMS in Fuji Files...
Noise is a problem. Or is it? This is what I do to reduce noise in Lightroom and Capture One the correct way and make your photos have that film-like quality.
I just finished this new video where I'll show you how I stopped fretting noise high ISO noise and started leveraging it.
Details and noise are so misunderstood and it took me a lot of years and watching the sensor, the ISO and software change to see that noise is not our enemy.
Happy 2022 everyone. - Gavin
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