Why do bad things happen to good people?
One of the principal questions that human beings have wrestled with since time began - why do we suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people? John, too, wrestles with the answers.
You can listen to an unintentional ASMR edit of this video as audio only on Spotify and other streaming services here - https://ffm.to/badthingsgoodpeople.
For your free copy of John's poem 'Clouds' join John Butler's email community here - http://spiritualunfoldment.co.uk.
Those wanting more detailed accounts of John's life experience - the formative influences, which have taught and made him what he is, will find it in his 7 published books, available through the website: www.spiritualunfoldment.co.uk/store.
Retreat guests asked if the sample t-shirt was more widely available in different size and colours. They are now - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi0TFuqj6eND-mJRf8i2Tnw/store
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