Why “Chromatic Mediants” sound so good!
Enter the rabbit hole and learn pitch class inversion and the Ionian/Phrygian relationship.
It works with any scale, btw.
Also, this explains the sonically interesting things that “Negative Harmony,” and “Modal Interchange” try to explain, just in a different way. I think this “pitch-class-inversion” stuff does a better job explaining it, imo. Chromatic Mediants, Coltrane changes, Tadd Dameron turnaround, and other cool and stuff make a lot of sense with the “flippening!”
Follow-up video idea:
Dorian (symmetrical)
Ionian & Phrygian (inverted)
Locrian & Lydian (inverted)
Aeolian & Mixolydian (inverted)
Mixolydian b6 (aka Aeolian-Major) is the symmetrical set related to Melodic minor.
Double-Harmonic Major (symmetrical)
Harmonic minor (not symmetrical, flips to V of Harmonic major, Mixolydian b2)
If you’d like to check out my books and dig into this stuff further, I briefly mention this concept in my book, “Voicing Modes” but it’s a bigger part of my book “The 4-Note Universe”