Who Will Win The 1 Million Dollars? | Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? | Full Episode | S03E8,9,19
John Tyler Hammons is the USA's youngest mayor, but will his political skills and obvious charm help lead him to a million dollars? Then, Kansas prom King and Queen Eric Lutz and Riley Hicks -- in tux, gown and crowns -- take their shot at the prize. Will they win or flunk out?
"Regular Joe" Dave Ellis faces the class and then Lacreshia Withcher, Miss Plus America, comes dressed to the nines in her bid to take hom the million!
Shark attack survivor Bethany Hamilton tries to prove she is smarter than a fifth grader, and Barack Obama lookalike Eli Kennedy hopes he has what it takes to take home the prize.
John Hammons is a the Youngest USA Mayor at 19 years old.
Riley and Eric are Prom King and Queen by Derby High School.
Dave Ellis is a 31 year old Bar Tender Indian Brook Elementary School.
Lakisha Wisher is a 28 year old Ms Plus America Winner.
Betheny Hamilton is an 18 year old Shark Attack Survivor who attended Hanalei Elementary School.
Eli Kennedy attended Washington Elementary School.
Season 3 Episode 8,9,19
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Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader? demonstrates exactly how much adults have forgotten since their elementary school days. Art? Math? Social Studies? It's all up on the chalkboard again as adult contestants team up with students to answer questions based on material from elementary school textbooks.
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Who Will Win The 1 Million Dollars? | Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? | Full Episode | S03E8,9,19