Whispers in the Wind | Westland Whirlwind
The history of aviation is full of instances where small production numbers were not necessarily indicative of a poor-performing aircraft, but were influenced by various external factors. Several well-designed and capable aircraft faced challenges that limited their production, often tied to factors beyond their inherent qualities. This was the case with the obscure and generally less known British Westland Whirlwind, a twin-engined fighter that, despite its excellent performance, failed to enter mass production.
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Article: https://plane-encyclopedia.com/ww2/westland-whirlwind/
M. Ovcacik and K. Susa (2002) Westland Whirlwind, 4+ Publication
D. Monday (1994) British Aircraft Of World War II, Chancellor Press
Duško N. (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-.Beograd
P. J. R. Moyes The Westland Whirlwind, Profile Publication
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Article by: Marko P
Script by: Marko P
Narrated by ABloomfield
Edited by Julesans
Sound edited by Gabe