当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story?

当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story?

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当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story?
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood I once came across this local savory in Guizhou, which is totally new to my granny. So this time, I crisp up the meat and veggies on such a hot iron pot, for her to go with Jinyun flatbread. Happy 2020! Wish you good health, happiness, and success in the magical new year! 之前在贵州吃过一个叫“烙锅”的食物 想着我家老人家还没见过 就搭着缙云烧饼一块儿做给她吃吃看 2020年的第一天祝福你们 余生平安健康,幸福又漂亮 #李子柒#李子柒Liziqi 【李子柒 Liziqi 】 https://goo.gl/nkjpSx -------------------------------------------------------------------- liziqi李子柒更多精彩视频推荐/More wonderful video recommendations: liziqi李子柒精选视频/decent video selection:https://is.gd/qe9xuc 李子柒●花开有声 | Soud of blooming flowers: https://is.gd/tyr1ja 李子柒 ●饮食以节 | Chinese festival food: https://is.gd/3LsFnu 李子柒 ●适时而食 | Seasonal diet: https://is.gd/JmLJH3 东方非遗传承 | Oriental intangible cultural heritage : https://is.gd/atatyo 传统工艺 | Traditional handicraft: https://is.gd/FPl4df Spring 春之卷:https://is.gd/EBwo2n Summer 夏之卷:https://is.gd/i1jJ46 Autumn 秋之卷:https://is.gd/YBVeL2 Winter 冬之卷:https://is.gd/3JqW8D #LýTửThất #李子柒 #liziqi