Prepare to embark on a voyage like no other as Star Trek comes to World of Warships! Can the captain of a starship command a warship at sea? Play now to find out
On December 7, 1941, Lieutenant Clarence Dickinson and his wingman, John McCarthy, take off from the USS Enterprise in 2 Dauntlesses, unaware they're flying straight into the chaos of the Pearl Harbor attack. Flying through the chaos, both planes engage the Japanese and are shot down. Losing a friend in the battle drives Dickinson to immediately seek out and attack the biggest Japanese target he can.... a submarine!
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00:00 Dauntlesses fly to Pearl Harbor
01:01 Dogfight with Zeros begins
01:36 Zeros vs Miller
03:42 Dickinson’s Dauntless is hit
05:21 World of Warships
06:19 Eager for revenge
07:30 Japanese I-70 submarine
09:04 Dickinson vs submarine
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