What’s the secret to engaging families in schools? | Nathaniel Provincio | TEDxUIUC Salon
In this compelling TEDx talk, school leader Nathaniel Provencio explores how public schools can transform student success by partnering with parents, families, and the community. With practical insights and real-world examples, he shares how schools can shift their communities from apathy to engagement—unlocking the full potential of collaboration to grow student learning like never before. Nathaniel Provencio has worked in the public education field since 2001 as a classroom teacher, building administrator and associate superintendent. In 2010, he became the principal of Minnieville Elementary in Prince William County, Virginia. Under his leadership, Minnieville Elementary was recognized as a Virginia Distinguished Title 1 School, became a National Model Professional Learning Community and was the winner of the 2019 Richard DuFour PLC Award.
Mr. Provencio has been honored as the 2017 Prince William County principal of the year, the 2017 Washington Post Principal of the Year and the 2019 Virginia National Distinguished Principal of the Year.
Mr. Provencio is the author of Community Connections and Your PLC at Work, which focuses on how schools can utilize the professional learning community framework to enhance family and community engagement. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx