What Really Happened In The Silmarillion Compared To Rings of Power Season 1...

What Really Happened In The Silmarillion Compared To Rings of Power Season 1...

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What Really Happened In The Silmarillion Compared To Rings of Power Season 1...
This video goes through Rings of Power Season 1 and compare it to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. For all business inquiries please email us on - [email protected] So the background music for this video was made by Kareem Rasheed, who makes incredible music that you can find using the links below: https://www.youtube.com/@karimrashid/videos https://soundcloud.com/karim-rashid https://open.spotify.com/artist/2RS4othgxMYBMmv9jkJsAG #lordoftherings #ringsofpower Timecodes 00:00 - Intro 00:32 - Episode 1 "A Shadow of the Past" 21:31 - Episode 2 "Adrift" 49:08 - Episode 3 "Adar" 1:21:47 - Episode 4 "The Great Wave" 2:01:25 - Episode 5 "Partings" 2:27:34 - Episode 6 "Udûn" 2:51:40 - Episode 7 "The Eye" 3:17:34 - Episode 8 "Alloyed" Artists: Thumbnail: Rick (Left): www.artstation.com/grifterrick John Howe - john-howe.com Alan Lee - tolkien.co.uk/author/alan-lee Ted Nasmith - tednasmith.com Donato Giancola - donatoart.com Anke Eißmann - anke.edoras-art.de Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com Magali Villeneuve - artstation.com/magali-villeneuve Matt Stewart - mattstewartart.com Stephen Hickman - stephenhickman.com Cor Blok - tolkienlibrary.com/press/Cor_Blok.php Angus McBride - artuk.org/discover/artists/mcbride-angus-19312007 Tim Hildebrandt - spiderwebart.com Justin Gerard - artstation.com/justingerard Ralph Damiani - artstation.com/ralphdamiani Eva Nikonenko - deviantart.com/eve-venture Kimberly 80 - artstation.com/kimberly80 Tuuliky - deviantart.com/tuuliky Ivan Cavini - ivancavini.com Lena Richards - artstation.com/lenarichards Maureval - deviantart.com/maureval Kaprriss - artstation.com/kaprriss Jenny Rice - deviantart.com/tulipebouillante Jef Murray - jefmurray.com Jan Pospíšil - artstation.com/merlkir Matthew Stewart - matthew-stewart.artistwebsites.com Anna Kulisz - artstation.com/akulisz Marco Caradonna - artstation.com/marcocaradonna Kasiopea - deviantart.com/kasiopeaart Sergey Glushakov - artstation.com/s_glushakov Don Maitz - donmaitz.com Hildebrandt Brothers - brothershildebrandt.com Tomasz Jedruszek - artstation.com/morano Alexandre Dainche - artstation.com/dainche Sandara - deviantart.com/sandara Kip Rasmussen - kiprasmussen.com Lidia Castellani - artstation.com/lidiacastellani Tuomas Korpi - tuomaskorpi.com Paul Raymond Gregory - bloodstock.uk.com/pages/paul-raymond-gregory Carolina Eade - deviantart.com/carolina-eade Faustino Leonides - artstation.com/faustinoleonides Jon Hodgson - jonhodgsondesign.com Martina Pilcerova - pilcerova.com Anna Kulisz - kulisz.com Jenny Park - jennyparkart.com Tomasz Jedruszek - jedruszek.com Kaprriss - deviantart.com/kaprriss Olof Eklund - olofeklund.com Howard David Johnson - howarddavidjohnson.com Nick Keller - nickkellerart.com