What Is Passive Dishonesty?
Some people are easy to spot as openly dishonest and untrustworthy. Others, however, may give the appearance of being reliable and honest, but they are not. Dr. Les Carter describes passive dishonesty. Some people live with patterns and tendencies that signal hidden pathology. As you learn to identify the indicators of passive dishonesty, you will be poised to live with appropriate protective boundaries.
Dr. Les Carter is a semi-retired psychotherapist who spent 41 years in private practice in the Dallas, Tx. metroplex. He now resides in Waco, Tx. He has conducted over 65,000 counseling sessions, written extensively, and has presented many workshops and seminars.
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Dr. Carter's new course: This Is Me, Setting Boundaries With The Controllers In Your Life: https://survivingnarcissism.tv/this-is-me
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