Part 2:
What if Khal Drogo LIVED and Invaded Westeros with Daenerys? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.
Before we start, if this video gets 3,000 likes, we’ll make a part two.
Daenerys watches Khal Drogo riding across the Dothraki Sea with growing strength. It was almost a week since his injury after fighting Khal Ogo’s Khalasar. Despite ordering the magi Mirri Maz Duu to treat him, Drogo had also ordered that those skilled in healing within his Khalasar also treat him.
They gave him herbs and potions to consume to restore his strength while replacing the coverings for his injury with traditional Dothraki treatments. This did the trick as the Khal slowly regained his strength.
With that newfound strength comes his plans to reconquer Westeros. He did not forget the assassination attempt on Daenerys. Now the great Khal is ready to begin planning.
Khal Drogo soon sets out west to the Free Cities in search of ships. Word is sent ahead to Magister Illyrio Mopatis to prepare for this invasion. Though only a merchant, the magister has many connections, and ships are soon assembled in Pentos.
But to assemble a ship to ferry forty-thousand warriors is no simple affair. It will take many months and as these preparations are made, the situation in the Seven Kingdoms changes drastically.
While Khal Drogo and Daenerys survive, King Robert is not so lucky as he is gored to death by a boar while hunting. His Hand of the King, Ned Stark soon follows in a palace coup, plunging the Seven Kingdoms into the War of the Five Kings, leaving no one truly prepared for the invasion.
The initial plan is for the Dothraki to land directly at the Crownlands and march on the capital, but Jorah discourages this idea as they need the means to besiege the capital.
Instead, he suggests invading the Stormlands. They currently have little strength at sea and will ensure their landing is unopposed. The only problem is that Renly Baratheon has already called his banners and boasts a powerful army as he joined Reach forces. However, this only amuses Khal Drogo who says that armies do not frighten him.
Soon enough, the makeshift armada sets sail and lands off the coast of the Stormlands. The Seven Kingdom is taken off guard as Jorah had opted not to send any letters after this, throwing his full support behind Daenerys.
The Stormlands burn quickly. Villages are emptied, their meager defenses swept aside. Women, children, and men scatter into the wilderness or fall beneath arakhs. Smoke rises into the sky in thick plumes. Those few lords of the Stormlands remain hesitant to engage as most of their fighting men are off with Renly down west.
When word reaches the Baratheon king, he speeds ahead to face this horde, seeing this as his chance to prove that he is the true king. Renly sends assurances to his Stormlords that help is coming.
Rallying his cavalry and marching back east with all speed, hoping to catch the invaders unprepared, leaving his infantry to struggle behind.
They pass through the ruins of towns and holdfasts unfortunate enough to fall before their might. Although Daenerys urges compassion as these are the people she hopes to rule, there is only so much she can do.
Although busy raiding, the Dothraki scouts learn of the approaching army long before they arrive and allow Khal Drogo to reform his army in the open plains near Felwood long before Renly arrives.
Khal Drogo’s screamers appear on the horizon like a black tide while Renly orders his knights to charge. For a moment, it seems the Dothraki might falter. But Drogo smiles and his lines split apart like water around the knight's charge, surrounding and cutting them off from retreat.
The battle descends into chaos as the arrows rain down on them. Renly’s knights struggle against the Dothraki’s unorthodox tactics. Many fall, wounded or dead while their mounts are killed underneath them. Suddenly, the iron wedge Renly rallies turns into a disorganized mob.
Once this happens, riders with arakhs carve through men while arrows find weak points in their defenses. The stormlords fight valiantly and a few brave knights lead small groups of men in a charge. These prove effective as the unarmored Dohtraki falls before them. The most successful of these is a charge organized by Loras Tyrell and Randyll Tarly which manages to gain enough momentum to smash through the Dothraki surrounding them. This opens a gap for about three thousand men to escape in good order.
At the center of this battle, Renly, surrounded by Robar Royce and Guyard Morrigan fight to rally their forces. Drogo himself cuts down Ser Guyard Morrigan in a brutal duel, his Arakh cleaving through the knight’s helm. Meanwhile, his bloodriders pull Renly from his horse and take him captive.
Seeing him fall, the rest of Renly’s host breaks. Some yield before the Dothraki while others scatter into the Kingswoo
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