Using swarm cells to split a bee hive.
I can't believe it, today is April 8th and I'm just finishing up our splits. I began at the very beginning of March and now 5 weeks later, and over 150 hives, they are now finished. My favorite way of making my splits, using a swarm cell, was used right up to the end.
On this video I go into detail as to how to do this method of making a split. Granted, this method is not for everyone, and there are easier ways of doing it, but being a bit stubborn, I still resort to using a swarm cell from one of my hives instead of grafting my own queens and sticking them in the hive or buying cells and sticking them in the hive.
With that being said, how about we just jump right into the video and let you see for yourself how I go about making a split using a swarm cell. Thanks for watching. God's peace. Mr. Ed