Tutorial: Communication Is Key - Understanding Kubernetes Networking - Jeff Poole, Vivint Smart Home
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Tutorial: Communication Is Key -- Understanding Kubernetes Networking - Jeff Poole, Vivint Smart Home
Networking in Kubernetes has several aspects, including DNS, iptables, routing, software bridges, IP assignment, network policies, etc. While the practices for understanding the network were fairly easy to translate from physical servers to virtual machines, the level of complexity increases greatly when moving to containers in Kubernetes. This tutorial will explain several of the networking concepts used in Kubernetes with accompanying lab exercises in a virtualized environment so that participants will become comfortable looking under the hood at how a Kubernetes cluster is working (or not working, as the case may be). The material will be designed for people comfortable with SSH, bash, kubectl, and basic networking concepts, and will fill in the more advanced networking knowledge as the tutorial progresses. Please have Vagrant + VirtualBox installed to run the labs locally.