TUNIC Ambience - Waterway Passage - 1 Hour
The ominous darkness that envelopes those seeking passage through this waterlogged cavern system is of a cautious brand; with each slight flicker of near-invisible light here or there, a thick tension lingers in the air which reduces the speed of many adventurers to a slow, agonizing crawl... All that can be heard are the discordant tunes from an undecided musician deep in the dark, plucking notes from the water that drips all about.
The phenomenon that reverberates through this waterway passage is one that can only be filled in the blanks by, with dark implications the imagination unwillingly conjures with frightening detail...
Only the blue illuminations, carried by the adventurers who journey here, are welcomed by its' kind; granted only safe passage by all of the transparent ghosts that fuel the lanterns we hold. They flicker against the alternating currents, causing the slight ripples below our heels to burn brightly beneath us, and as we trek further on, the ominous darkness redirects its' efforts upwards, perhaps frightened by our own brand of passage.
Sometimes the soundtrack alone is not enough: this is a loop of the various sounds that can be heard in the Eastern Vault's basement, which provides a tense, yet unusually relaxing atmosphere, separate from the tumultuous nature of the journey, but still a part of it all the same.
If you love this music, you can purchase the soundtrack for TUNIC at either of these links:
Purchase TUNIC Soundtrack on Steam:
Lifeformed Bandcamp:
I still do not own the rights to TUNIC, its' visuals, or its' audio. Darn...
I do still own an official TUNIC fox plush. He falls over a lot. I also have a pin. And a physical copy of the game. AND the manual. AND the HARDCOVER manual... AND the OST vinyls............
And an actual tunic!... It's not green, though. I also don't think it's official TUNIC merchandise. Sad...
A special thank-you to SilentDestroyer, for providing tools to assist in the making of videos like this. :)