Tun Nyuk Babi | Preserved Vegetable with Pork Belly | Babi Kecap Enak |  Nael Onion

Tun Nyuk Babi | Preserved Vegetable with Pork Belly | Babi Kecap Enak | Nael Onion

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Tun Nyuk Babi | Preserved Vegetable with Pork Belly | Babi Kecap Enak | Nael Onion
Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Mustards Greens | Tun Nyuk Simpel | Babi Kecap Enak | Nael Onion Tun Nyuk 400 gr samcan utuh 100 gr samcan, iris iris 400 gr sawi asin kering 40 ml kecap asin 1 sdm saus tiram 1 sdm palm sugar 2 sdm cooking rice wine atau shaoxing wine 8 iris jahe 9 siung bawang putih 10 siung bawang merah 500 ml air 1/2 sdt lada 1/2 sdt kaldu jamur Minyak goreng secukupnya Untuk cara membuatnya silakan cek di video. Please like, subscribe and share. Thank you so much #braisedporkbellywithpreservedmustardgreens #tunnyuk #samcanhamchoikon #babikecapenak Follow my social media I'm on Instagram as @susanti_angela. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=8n37qt681kq1&utm_content=ea7dp2 https://www.facebook.com/naelonion/ ______________________________________________________________________________ [ENGLISH] Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables | Tun Nyuk | Babi Kecap | Nael Onion Ingredients 400 g of pork belly 100 g of pork belly, slice into small cubes 400 g of preserved green mustards 40 ml of soy sauce 1 tbsp of oyster sauce 1 tbsp of palm sugar 2 tbsp of cooking rice wine or shaoxing wine 8 slice of ginger 9 cloves of garlic 10 cloves of shallots 500 ml of water 1/2 tsp of pepper 1/2 tsp of mushroom bouillon Vegetable oil For the tutorial please check my video Please like, subscribe and share. Thank you so much #preservedvegetablewithporkbelly #braisedporkbellywithpreservedmustardgreens #tunnyuk #samcanhamchoikon #babikecapenak Follow my social media I'm on Instagram as @susanti_angela. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=8n37qt681kq1&utm_content=ea7dp2 https://www.facebook.com/naelonion/