Trains Passing At Mill Creek Bridge, Train Knocks Down B&O Signal & Driving Up Canal Ridge In Mud
Norfolk Southern Loaded Steel Coils Train Passes BIG CSX Train With DPU! Train Knocks Down The Signal On The Bridge. Historic Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Signals Still In Use! Check Out The Drive To Get To The Top Of The Ridge At Canal Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. You Finally get to see what the road looks like and why I like to use my 4 wheel truck to get up there. Huge pot holes full of water and plenty of mud. These are some giant trains so if you like counting cars you better grab a coffee or Red Bull and get ready for some Live Action.
I was up there by myself but I recommend that you go there with other people. A couple of days after I filmed this some railfans went up there. A homeless man put barricades over the lane after the railfans went up. He put shopping carts, bicycles, big rocks and other debris across the road. My friend Scott, 1960gambit tried to remove the debris and the man ran at him with a giant candy cane. Norfolk Southern needed to transport a crew to there and started to remove the junk. The homeless man was yelling and getting weird so the railroad police and Cincinnati police were called. The railroad police was familiar with the man. That is one day that I am glad I wasn't there. I have been up there two other times when that homeless man has walked by. You can actually see him in one of my videos walk right in front of me when I was filming.
Filmed Friday, February 2, 2024 in 1080p with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
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Train Interrupts Street Festival!
Dupps Railroad Running Full 5 Miles!
Dupps Railroad With Loads,
Rarest Train Ever!
CSX train derailment that I filmed recently:
Americas Only Electric Freight Railroad!
Check out my steam train playlist for some really cool videos including the Big Boy! I also have other railroad videos of all types including short lines, street runners and cabooses in action. Please watch another video to help support my channel:
Train Passes Through Crowded Neighborhood!
Female Engineer On Street Running Train!
Closest House In America To A Railroad Line!
Stung By Hornets For Playing Electric Guitar Under Nest!!
Man Carries Bike Across Moving Train!
Abandoned Railroad Coming Back To Life!
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Stupid Railfans Way Too Close To Fast Train!
Street Running Steam Train!