Traditional Grip vs Match Grip On #drums ...A Hard Truth
I know it’s a hard truth… and I’m not trying to trigger anyone that plays that way… I play that way myself.
As far as your comment, the & index and middle fingers are not always at play in traditional… whereas in match grip, ALL of your fingers are at play, 99% of the time.
Although traditional is a beautiful style that has its own unique feelings, it does offer huge technique handicaps to overcome… these handicaps just don’t exist in match grip.
It doesn’t mean that traditional is a bad or wrong way to play… and these handicaps can be overcome.. but they are definitely there.
As far as “caressing” … that might feel like it comes more naturally in the cradle position. But that’s simply because you have less control… ergo you are using fewer muscles to manipulate the stick. That’s not necessarily a benefit.
And that same level of caress can be developed and is used by matched grip drummers all over the place... Bill Stewart, Benny Greb, Gary Novak, Mark Guiliana, etc… the answer comes down to practice. And the truth is… you will get there faster if you use match grip.
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