Nuke’s Top 5 SCARIEST videos of scary GHOSTS caught on camera, but it’s a TOP 10 ! Creepy supernatural activity caught on camera that will give you the chills. A countdown of paranormal activity and apparitions in abandoned places. Are these real ghosts? You decide…
A Czech ghost hunter captures some strange and scary video, a Chinese paranormal investigator gets a creepy shadow figure in a haunted house and some evp s too - evps caught on camera. Unexplained activity, poltergeist activity, a strange creature / cryptid , and an apparition in a scary TikTok video. And also- shadow figure s caught multiple times, and a Dutch guy explores an abandoned house and gets video of a strange figure. Some great paranormal and poltergeist investigations.
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And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !
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