Top 10 Awesome ROCK auditions worldwide #8
Ten of the best auditions & performances from shows around the world.
Mary-Anne Bröllochs - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Pablo - Old Time Rock and Roll
Eni Jurišić - Nutbush City Limits
Julia Ivanova - The show must go on
Jennel Garcia - Paris
The Apples - Medley
Chloe Kohanski - The Chain
Eddie String - Last Nite
Andreas Kümmert - Rocketman
Juan Carlos Cano - Here I Go Again
Good music is good music, and my aim is to bring you the best auditions from musicians around the world, that you probably haven't heard of....YET..
So sit back, crank up the volume and get ready to rock!
NB - I have NOT monetised this video, therefore I do NOT make any money whatsoever from it.
Helping to promote the musicians of the future.
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