What to sow in May:
If you missed last month's garden jobs checklist, you can watch it here:
Or for more on germination, check out our
Seed Starting Masterclass
Want to try growing in straw bales? There's still time if you condition your bales now. Watch this to learn how:
It's crunch time! Time to crunch into your freshly harvested salads, yes, but also time to get a wiggle on and do these essential tasks to supercharge your garden... before it's too late!
In this week's episode Ben walks us through his top jobs to do in your garden in spring to ensure you have the most productive season ever.
And enjoy a no-obligation, completely free trial of the Garden Planner here:
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If you've noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at https://BigBugHunt.com