This place will blow your mind! - Bolivia - Copacabana, La Paz, Salar de Uyuni

This place will blow your mind! - Bolivia - Copacabana, La Paz, Salar de Uyuni

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This place will blow your mind! - Bolivia - Copacabana, La Paz, Salar de Uyuni
Hello friends! After a long break we finally managed to finish our short video about the gorgeous Bolivia! Back in 2018 we visited Copacabana, a small village by the famous Lake Titicaca which is the highest lake that is still navigable by boat! From there we traveled to the highest capital city in the world; La Paz! We walked around the city, saw a carnival and tried the the cable cars which were amazing! They use them as public transport, and in my opinion it is the smartest, fastest and easiest way to get around a city with amazing views! We loved it and too bad that European and American cities don`t have cable car systems! We also visited Salar de Uyuni, the incredibly beautiful salt desert which is 3660 meters above sea level! It was like a dream! We hope you will enjoy it too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello sracok! Egy hosszu szunet utan vegre elkeszultunk egy uj rovid videoval a gyonyoru Boliviarol! Meg 2018-ban meglatogattuk Copacabana-t, egy kis falut a Titicaca - to partjan, ami a legmagassabban fekvo hajozhato to a vilagon! Majd tovabb utaztunk a legmagasabban fekvo fovarosba; La Paz-ba! Korbesetaltuk a varost, lattunk egy karnevalt es kiprobaltuk a varos folott suhano siklot! Tomegkozlekedesi eszkozkent hasznaljak itt oket, es szerintem ez a legokosabb, leggyorsabb es legegyszerubb mod utazasi mod egy varoson beul, raadasul nagyszeru a kilatas is! Imadtuk, es kar, hogy europai es amerikai varosok nem hasznalnak ilyen rendszert! Meglatogattuk a hihetetlenul szep Salar de Uyuni so sivatagot is, ami 3660 meterrel a tenger folott fekszik! Olyan volt, mint egy alom! Remeljuk nektek is tetszik majd!