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George Gamow's photo: By not available - Original publication: not availableImmediate source: https://www.colorado.edu/physics/events/outreach/george-gamow-memorial-lecture-series, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=59519782
00:00 Shouldn't radioactive elements decay instantly?
02:30 The alpha decay paradox
03:55 How do we know about the alpha decay paradox?
08:39 Overcoming barrier with little time
09:44 How quantum mechanics solves the paradox
11:36 Quantum tunneling
12:50 So why don't radioactive elements decay instantly? (Where does half life come from?)
14:43 But why don't all heavy isotopes alpha decay?
19:12 The sun is too cold to be alive
20:28 Harnessing the power of quantum tunneling
22:01 The ultimate limit of our computing technology
This video was sponsored by Brilliant