D2 is cheao right ? Wrong ! Guess again ! D2 is actually quite expensive to make knives out of.
D2 is junk though right? No , you listen to to many snobby knife enthusiasts that don't know their burrow from their borough.
M4 us a super steel though...? Nope it's a tool steel and some knife makers say it's the worst option to maje a knife out of because it's brittle!
Knife people...quit following shepherds that wre lost. Quit following shepherds anyway...you're not a sheep. You don't need another person to navigate your opinions...all you need is you!
But A2...that's special because that Hogue knife is stupid expensive ? No not really ...A2 is the cheapest tool steel you can buy and , while it is a good knife steel...it idnt as good as D2.