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✅ "Breaking stereotypes" video lesson by GM Igor Smirnov -
🔹 4 Quick Checkmates In The Bishop’s Opening -
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you an interesting chess opening, the Bishop’s Opening, which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4. It is not a very popular opening line (compared to 2.Nf3 or 2.Nc3), nevertheless, it’s perfectly sound as you’re developing a piece and taking aim at the Black’s f7-pawn.
Additionally, by playing the Bishop’s Opening, you are dragging your opponent out of his/her opening preparation. Therefore, you can use this opening weapon to surprise your opponents. Most importantly, there are a lot of interesting aggressive and attacking lines that you can follow up with!
► Chapters
00:00 Bishop's Opening 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4
01:05 Line-1: Black's symmetrical 2...Bc5
03:04 Do NOT rush the exchange Nxd4
04:57 Play aggressively as White
07:36 Best way to improve at chess
08:34 Line-2: Black plays 2...Nc6
10:51 Be careful of 5.f4 if 4...Bc5
13:55 Line-3: Black plays 2...Nf6
14:11 Urusov Gambit 3.d4
16:06 Mainline: Black plays 3...exd4
17:58 Final line: If Black plays Nf6 correctly
19:39 Cool tactical combination
20:55 Conclusion: Solid & aggressive opening
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