A beginner tutorial where I show you how to make a beat from scratch on the Maschine Mikro Mk3 controller and software.
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My current favorite music production gear:
Novation Circuit: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--NOVCIRCUITTRKS
Korg Electribe 2: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--KORELECTRIBE
Roland MC-101: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--ROLMC101
Model:Cycles: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--ELKMODELCYCLES
Arturia MicroFreak: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--ARAMICROFREAK
ATH M40 headphones: https://www.zzounds.com/a--3972602/item--AUTATHM40X
Edited by Coastland Creative: https://www.coastlandcreative.com
Note that some of the above links are affiliate links, which give me a commission (at NO extra cost to you!) if you use them to buy something.
Social media:
Twitter: Twitter.com/GabeMillerMusic
Website: GabeMillerMusic.com
Instagram: Instagram.com/GabeMillerMusic
Soundcloud: Soundcloud.com/GabeMillerMusic1
Facebook: Facebook.com/GabeMillerMusic