►Useful links:
⭐ Frame data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5HFkHnEP74gD-SCVta9syb9GaF1_nSmMFgV4hxvZt9iu4HmfhGlP2KbnIbC-cAx5kkvsd8L7oB0Uy/pubhtml#
⭐ LS attack table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTEYb4wGpijtIpFVopiYl1V83m48d7g1AHmTwOBKJ5RXdlz1sfxCyEmnhbgHLWQsGiXnodyBsUlPzc3/pubhtml#
⭐ More LS info data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5HFkHnEP74gD-SCVta9syb9GaF1_nSmMFgV4hxvZt9iu4HmfhGlP2KbnIbC-cAx5kkvsd8L7oB0Uy/pubhtml#
1) Buttons are displayed for the PS4 controller because that's what I use to play. If you want to know what are the buttons for Xbox: R2=RT, X=A, O=B, △=Y.
2) Quick sheath data and level comparison with Special Sheath: https://twitter.com/TDS_Peppo/status/1222225403152076800 + yes, critical draw and punishing draw work on both ISS and IS.
3) As written in the LS attack table, ISS's second hit doesn't get the Spirit gauge's multiplier, no matter if you time it correctly or not.
4) The issue with hyper armor at
16:33 is not only on ISS, but with Foresight Slash as well: https://twitter.com/TDS_Peppo/status/1257634328697278465
5) First hit only on ISS extra clip: https://twitter.com/TDS_Peppo/status/1257635494407688192
6) Hyper armor substitutes temporal mantle: https://twitter.com/TDS_Peppo/status/1257636299013607425
7) No registered hit on ISS extra clip: https://twitter.com/TDS_Peppo/status/1242616910866452480
8) Since you get damaged when you use ISS, you can't play in Felyne Heroics using it, however, it is possible to perform 1 or maybe 2 ISS in Heroics (may depend on the attack of the monster you want to counter).
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0:00 Beginning
0:41 Chapter 1 Special Sheath
2:17 Chapter 2 Iai Spirit Slash and Iai Slash
5:23 Chapter 3 iFrames and counter-frames
10:29 Chapter 4 Hyper armor
13:10 Chapter 5 issues
23:24 Conclusion