Tired of your FDM/FFF 3D Prints not coming out right? This video covers my detailed step-by-step troubleshooting process for remedying print accuracy woes.
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0:00 Intro
1:06 Bed Level + Nozzle Height
2:46 Steps per MM
4:58 E Steps
5:20 Stringing
9:01 Cooling, Overhangs and Bridging
12:37 Layer Accuracy
14:29 Horizontal Expansion and Flow Rate
16:25 Further Learning
Fixing "elephants foot" -
CHEP Cube - https://thangs.com/CHEP/CHEP-Cube--Calibration-Cube-29638
Repetier - https://www.repetier.com/
Simple stringing test - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2450004
Ender 3 Cura settings for stringing -
Overhang experiments using Vase mode -
Teaching Tech PID Autotune -
Join the Maker's Muse Community - https://www.makersmuse.com/maker-s-muse-community
3D Printing Quick Start Guide - https://www.makersmuse.com/fdm-fff-3d-printing-quick-start-guide
3D Printer Buyers Guide - https://www.makersmuse.com/purchasing-your-first-3d-printer-fdm-fff
3D Printing Essentials - https://www.amazon.com/shop/makersmuse