Part 3 deals with the story of Grommash Hellscream and the Warsong clan in the Ashenvale forest. We take a look at the ways in which Grom embodies the Great Father, covering three key elements - tradition, order and tyranny. On the other hand, this video also deals with the appearance of the Night Elves as the manifestation of the Great Mother, as well as with the distinction between Ourobors (the potential of the Unknown) and the Great Mother (the manifestation of the Unknown). In that regard it is crucial to stress the ties between the Night Elves and the Naga as serpent-like creatures. Coincidence? We don’t think so.
“The Redemption: A Savior in the New Land” - explores the epic story of the Orcs in Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne through the lens of myth and allegory. This video delves into the Exodus of the Horde, portraying it as a clash between tradition and the unknown, with Thrall as a hero savior bridging the gap between the Great Father, embodied by Grommash Hellscream, and the Great Mother, manifested by the Night Elves. Join us in this journey across the lands of Kalimdor, Azeroth, and Draenor, featuring key figures like Durotan, Draka, Orgrim, Gul'dan, Ner'zhul, Tyrande, and Cairne. Drawing insights from Jordan B. Peterson, Christie Golden, Rudolf Otto, and Northrop Frye, this analysis brings depth to the Warcraft universe and its rich lore.
Warcraft 3 is often celebrated for its groundbreaking mechanics and gameplay innovation, but its story frequently gets overlooked. Many fans and critics consider the storyline inconsistent, riddled with plot holes, and full of clichés. However, when evaluating the narrative within the context of its medium and the standards of its time, we believe that Warcraft 3's story deserves a reexamination. In our analysis, we'll take a deep dive into the stories of Arthas and Thrall, two of Warcraft 3's most iconic characters, to reveal the hidden depth and brilliance that many have missed in this RTS gem.
Don't trouble yourself by how bad Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 remakes are, and focus on what is timeless. Check out the previous two parts of our analysis of the story of Thrall and the Orcs in Kalimdor:
Part 1:
Part 2:
or take a look at the video on the story of Prince/King Arthas and his tragic downfall:
⌚ Chapters and subsegments:
0:00 Chapter 3️⃣: Juggernaut in the Forest: Tradition, Order and Tyranny
1:23 Collection of Material on the Outskirts of Ashenvale: Grommash as the Manifestation of Order
3:58 The Tree of Life: A Great Serpent Nibbles on the Roots of the World Axis
5:15 Cenarius Arisen: the Shallow Categories of the Known against the Endless Pit of the Unknown
5:57 Chapter 4️⃣: The Gaze Hidden Behind the Veil of Moonlight
6:58 Relationship Between Ouroboros and the Great Mother
8:01 War of the Ancients and the Sundering of the Old World: Night Elves and Naga
9:39 In the Absence of Hero: The Vicious Cycle of Mutual Destruction
10:29 When Father Eats His Children: the Birth of Tyrant
12:24 In the Belly of the Beast: The Appearance of the Hydra - Mannoroth
📖 Books / articles referenced:
1️⃣ World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde & Lord of the Clans
By: Christie Golden
Publisher: Canterbury Classics (2020)
2️⃣ Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
By: Jordan B. Peterson
Publisher: Taylor & Francis e-Library (2002)
3️⃣ The Idea of The Holy
By: Rudolf Otto
Publisher: Oxford University Press (1958)
4️⃣The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
By: Northrop Frye
Publisher: The Academic Press Canada (1982)
🎵 Songs used:
License for all songs: License: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
1️⃣ Derek Fiechter - Uruk-Hai
2️⃣ Derek Fiechter - Orc Camp
3️⃣ Sharm - Tyrande (Royalty Free World Of Warcraft Song)
4️⃣ Fantasy and World Music by the Fiechters - Ancient Greek Music - Medusa’s Lair
5️⃣ Fantasy and World Music by the Fiechters - Ocean Fantasy Music - Naiad Island
6️⃣ Fantasy and World Music by the Fiechters - Mystery Music - Hidden Ocean Kingdom
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