The PARADOX of manifestation | When you no longer need it, it manifests - Neville Goddard Motivation
Explore the profound "Paradox of Manifestation" in this powerful speech inspired by Neville Goddard's teachings. Learn why desires often manifest when you no longer desperately need them. Discover how to live from the end, embody your desires, and align with the creative power of the universe. Transform your consciousness and watch as your reality shifts to match your inner state.
Neville Goddard, manifestation, law of assumption, living from the end, consciousness, creative power, paradox, desire, inner transformation, faith, surrender, imagination, self-concept, reality creation
#nevillegoddardfeelingisthesecret #Manifestation #LawOfAssumption #ConsciousnessShift #LivingFromTheEnd #CreativePower #InnerTransformation #UniversalLaw #SelfConcept #RealityCreation