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🔹 Nimzo-Indian Defense vs 1.d4 -
♛ Find the variations shown in the video in this blog-post -
The London System is one of the easiest chess openings to learn for beginners, as White almost plays the same setup against virtually any Black move. That's why it's considered a solid opening system.
It occurs after 1.d4, with White developing their dark-squared bishop to f4 and supporting their d4-pawn by playing e3 and c3, forming a strong pyramid of pawns in the center. Black often finds it difficult to break this solid chain of central pawns, leading to a more solid game for White.
However, in this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares a variation to counter the London System that guarantees a victory for Black in just 10 moves in the most common line. In fact, not many players know this opening variation; only 8% play it. It is the move 2...c5, which aims to undermine White's central pawn chain.
This variation is very tricky and aggressive, causing a lot of discomfort for London System players. It will surely surprise many of your opponents and catch them off guard.
Watch the full video lesson as GM Smirnov walks through the different variations White might play, how to counter each one, and some clever traps to win quickly as Black against the London System. This serves as a complete opening guide against the London System.
► Chapters
00:00 Beat the London System in 10 Moves
00:54 Undermining White's central pawn pyramid
01:12 1) If White plays 3.e3
04:07 If White doesn't play dxe5
05:29 If White develops Be2 (and not Bd3)
07:57 2) If White plays 3.Nf3
08:38 Puzzle of the day
08:47 3) If White plays 3.c3
12:50 If White plays Qc2 instead of b3
14:45 If White plays Qd2 to defend b2
16:27 4) If White plays 3.dxc5
17:06 5) If White plays 3.d5
18:21 Early deviations (other openings)
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