Buckle up for Car Stars with Steve Harvey, baby!! Enjoy the Lawson fam’s full 5-episode run to a brand-new car on Family Feud.
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00:00 - Introduction
Recorded on July 9, 2011.
00:07 - In the last year, name a place where you’ve been naked.
04:04 - Name something people put between two buns.
07:23 - Name a phrase you might overhear at a singles bar.
10:39 - We asked 100 married women. Name someone who might advise you to leave your husband.
14:15 - Fast Money!
Recorded on July 9, 2011.
19:45 - Name a reason a man might not be up for a night of lovemaking.
24:18 - Name something a person might change if they were trying to hide from the law.
27:18 - We asked 100 married men. Name a place where it wouldn’t be much fun if you brought your wife.
30:59 - Name something that has curves.
34:16 - Fast Money!
Recorded on July 9, 2011.
39:14 - We asked 100 men. Name something you do to set the romantic mood in your home.
43:41 - Name something that’s floppy.
47:16 - Name something people hope a house guest doesn’t do in the bed.
50:50 - Name an occupation that requires practice, practice, practice.
53:49 - Fast Money!
Recorded on July 9, 2011.
58:59 - Name a place where you hear a lot of panting.
01:03:20 - We asked 100 married men. Name something that changes about a woman when she goes from being your girlfriend to being your wife.
01:08:14 - Name a reason someone might not show up to your birthday party.
01:10:50 - Give me another word for a lie.
01:13:29 - Fast Money!
Recorded on July 10, 2011.
01:18:41 - Name something that might make you suspect the woman you’re kissing is really a man.
01:23:28 - Name something a man might ask a woman that he hopes she’ll answer yes to.
01:26:25 - What specifically do you do to calm your nerves?
01:29:15 - Name a creature people sometimes get rid of by flushing it down the toilet.
01:33:07 - Fast Money!